The next step is to create a team and join a league.
NB: If you are creating a league for friends and/or collegues then you should read the Creating A League section.
If you have just registered and confirmed your e-mail address, then the page you show you a link to jump to the 'create team' page. Otherwise, you can get there by opening up the 'Create' menu on the left and selecting the 'Create Team' option.
Select a name for your team and enter it into the form. There are a few rules for your team name:
- It must be between 3 and 50 characters long.
- It cannot be the same as any premier league or English league club.
- It cannot be obscene or offensive.
- It cannot be the same as any other team in the league you are joining.
- If cannot be the same as any other team you have created that season.
Failing to comply will either have the site complain about it instantly or you will later be warned by an admin and asked to change it.
Select the league you want to join from the drop down list and enter the password for that league. You should have been sent the name of the league and the password by whoever created the league.
Then click the 'Create Team' button and hopefully your team will be successfully created.
If you cannot see the name of the league you want to join in the drop down list there could be several reasons for this:
- The league has been closed by the league administrator (the person who created the league) for any reason (e.g. because the season or auctions are well underway and they want no one else joining this late).
- The league has passed its automatic close date.
- The league has reached its maximum number of managers.
- You have been told the incorrect name of the league.
Most of these reasons are legitimately denying you and there is not much you can do (other than creating your own league and inviting anyone else that missed out). All these settings can easily be changed by the league administrator (normally whoever told you the league name and password). If you really want to join that league then ask them if they would mind changing the relevant setting.